An annual fashion show by the Lake Anna Business Partnership (LABP) and Lake Anna Outfitters will have an additional goal other than to put smiles on participant’s faces watching members of the community “model” various apparel sold at the popular area shop.

  “This year’s fashion show will be a fund raiser for our friends at Lake Anna Rescue, Inc. Participants will be able to bid on the garments our models will be wearing and we’ll donate 100% of the total raised to LARI,”noted Lake Anna Outfitters’ Chrissie McCotter.

   LARI is an all-volunteer rescue squad that tends to the lower end of the lake. The group is currently raising funds for a rescue boat to replace a 27-year old boat they use and dock on the private side of the lake at Mill Run  community docks. $25k has been raised toward a $150k boat.

  “We really need to replace our boat with something that will permit us to field appropriate resources for search and rescue missions,” LARI’s Troy Dillard told Life & Times.

  “The annual fashion show is always a lot of fun for our members and this one will be even more special,” noted Ronda Guill, Vice President of LABP.

   The fashion show will be held 6:30 pm at Lake Anna Rescue, Inc on June 19. To join LABP go to To make a donation to LARI contact Dillard at