The Lake Anna Advisory Committee welcomed a new Spotsylvania Citizen Reprentative after Barbara Aikens was appointed by Supevisor Jacob C. Lane in March.

  Aiken has been a resident at the lake since 1992 residing in Clear View Shores with her husband, Scott.

   In her working life she was head of archchival processing services for the Smithsonian Institution. She held that position for 27 years before retiring in 2017.

   Aikens told L&T she remembered a misty, foggy day where she and her husband visited Sturgeon Creek Marina to fish and they decided to make a home here.

   Aikens noted she decided to join the LAAC after Spotsylvania Supervisor Lane asked her. 

 “He knew that I cared about things going on in the community.”

  In her spare time Aikens enjoys gardening, kayaking and spending time with her pets.

  LAAC meets every other month and is tasked with maintaining the lake’s hazard buoy system and hydrilla as well as advising Louisa, Orange and Spotsylvania Counties on all things Lake Anna.