Louisa Clean, a 501(c)(3) whose mission is to make Louisa County the cleanest county in Virginia, hosted a second “Big Clean” event on October 19 and 20. This event was held in cooperation with the Louisa County Board of Supervisors, the Louisa County Sheriff’s office, and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).
Organizers from Clean Louisa and selfless volunteers targeted litter along community roads for this event, and residents participating in the Adopt A Highway program were encouraged to clean their sections of area roadways.
In the end volunteers collected 166 bags of trash from Fredericks Hall, Bumpass (Louisa), and Byrd Mill Roads, Rt. 609/Buckner Road, Rt/ 701/601 Bumpass Road, Mitchell Point Road, Pottiesville Road, Byrd Mill Road, Hickory Creek Road and Route 208 near New Bridge Landing Food Lion shopping center.
All volunteers who helped in this clean up received a Louisa Clean hat and a tee-shirt.
Louisa Clean founder, Jody Korman personally worked with seven other volunteers to collect 20 bags of litter to support Peace Love Waterski Corey Vaughn’s Adopt A Highway group on Bumpass Road.
“We found tires, large pieces of metal, wood, buckets, the typical assortment of aluminum cans and bottles, etc. It was a great day to work outside with beautiful weather. May thanks to B & L Store for allowing us to park,” Korman told Life & Times.
On October 9 six busloads of Louisa County High School students did their part, cleaning 22 miles of six roadways to clean up the Louisa County community.
Students collected at least 40 bags of trash on Rt. 522 alone! The total for the day was approximately a whopping 219 bags or roadside litter.
“The spirit of the groups was outstanding and committed. It was so well organized,” Korman noted. “Thank you to Lee Downey, Superintendent Doug Straley, Andrew Woolfolk, LCPS staff and the 19 Louisa Clean chaperones for making this day a true success. It’s events like this that can change the culture of littering in Louisa County.”