At the October Lake Anna Business Partnership Business After Hours held at Tim’s On Lake Anna, attendees witnessed extremely generous actions.
LABP President Jody Korman made good on a previous pledge of $5,000 to Lake Anna Rescue, Inc toward the purchase of a new rescue boat.
“My husband and I have been blessed to be able to give back to our community, and I heard Capt. Dillard say the station needed a new boat,” Korman told Life & Times.
At the same meeting, Steve Harler, owner of Mid Atlantic Sports and Mid Atlantic Dock Builders also pledged $5,000 to Lake Anna Rescue, Inc.
At the August LABP Business After Hours Scott Davis, Deputy Chief of Lake Anna Rescue Squad, Inc. made a presentation about the need for a new rescue boat.
Davis told those gathered that Lake Anna Rescue Squad, Inc is the organization that responds when a citizen calls 911 on the Waste Heat Treatment Facility (hot side) or the lower end of the lake.
“We are who the 911 system will point to when a call is received on the hot side and much of down lake. Many people don’t know that.”
The squad currently uses an aging, undersized, 24-year-old rescue boat that Davis says desperately needs updating.
Dillard, President of Lake Anna Rescue, Inc. told Life & Times, “We have raised $19,000 so far with a goal of $150,000 to purchase the new rescue boat. Fully outfitting it will take a bit more, but you have to start somewhere.”