Lake Anna Is Always Open – A Guide To Enjoying Four Seasons of Lake Life

This is the time for reawakenings and an early season visit. For residents, it’s time to do yard work, too! The lake bursts with growth and spring blossoms in early April and the fishing season kicks into high gear. Anglers vastly outnumber any other user group now. On some weekdays you might not see five boats, though.
They come from all over the east coast to try their luck on Anna with guides and by themselves. Fishing tournaments are held each weekend. The weigh-ins are exciting to attend even if you aren’t fishing.
Kayaking is excellent now all over the lake due to the light boat traffic. Paddle into the remote headwaters of the lake to view nesting great blue herons or explore a quiet State Park creek where purple martins and kingfishers nest naturally.
The State Park trail system is all yours and the cool air and budding trees make for a refreshing outing. Try and count the shades of green. We think you’ll give up at 50. Listen for a turkey gobbling and see if you can spot a deer.
Spring Break LKA style in a lakefront rental home has become a popular alternative to for many folks around the region. If you are here around the Memorial Day holiday, enjoy the official in-season kick-off party at Lake Anna Winery and the mountain laurel blossoms, especially in the mid lake region. Spring also brings the Lake Anna Business Partnership’s LakeFest and the start of the Lake Anna Love Concert Series.
The possibilities are now endless with over 14 hours of sunlight. Yes, it’s hot, but that’s what makes the Lake Anna life so great now. It’s time to get in the water and stay there all day. It’s call joining the LKA™ Float Club.
Load up the boat, waverunner, or pontoon and get moving. Visiting your friends’ docks or rentals, pick them up at the marina and just go cruising, it’s all good when you have a boat in the summer on Lake Anna.
Don’t have a boat? Call early so you can rent one and join the flotilla. Wakeboarding, waterskiing and tubing are what you do behind your boat as you travel from place to place. Our clear and clean water is ideal. The hundreds of coves offer flat water even on busy weekends.
Now is the time for dock parties and visits to The Sandbar, The Bahamas, Cocktail Cove and boat-in restaurants. There are fireworks, bonfires and some great dining options for after hours socials. Restaurants often fill up on the weekends, so be sure and make a reservation.
When does the fall officially start on LKA? Locals say The Season officially ends after Labor Day, however, true fall probably starts sometime in early October when the sugar maples flame red.
Lakers know the shoreline along the State Park just up from the Route 208 marinas begins to show good fall color by the end of September. The best way to view it is by boat or kayak. This one-mile stretch looks like a painting during the peak leaf viewing period in late October.
Make plans to rent a boat because this is one of the most beautiful times of the year on LKA. Enjoy an extended stay October 9-11 over the Columbus Day Weekend and the annual Laketoberfest event at Cooling Pond Brewery.
Lake Anna Winery’s annual Halloween Party is always a scream at the end of October. Enjoy the bounty and beauty of fall around the lake during the time of campfires and crisp evenings on the dock. Activities abound but the summer pace slows now as the change of season arrives.
Those lucky enough to live full time around Lake Anna know the winter has its own beauty. Anna is nearly empty save for the anglers that once again have the run of the lake. All is calm as the air temperature drops and a quiet, winter blanket decends.
Fireside snuggling, both indoor and outdoor, is a top wintertime activity now as is dreaming of warm days on the dock. Thanksgiving on Lake Anna has become popular in recent years, as has the monthly Lake Anna Community Bonfires. Enjoy the annual Lighted Boat Parade held December 11 and lakewide Christmas Tree Lighting.
Many local businesses hold a Christmas Open House that makes shopping locally easy and fun. The Soup & Song Series is a enjoyable way to spend a winter afternoon by the fire at Lake Anna Winery. Lake Anna Restaurant Week takes place in January or February.